Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Apologies to Morton

In my excitement to check out untold millions of library books, I forgot those Scottish books which were already in my possession. What is even worse, I forgot that one of them was penned by HV Morton, one of the worlds best travel writers. In fact, I might be so bold as to say that Morton was one of the steps which has (slowly, on my part) led me this spot now. I was reading some passages in IN SEARCH OF SCOTLAND. I have the feeling that should I wish to quote just a few of the best bits, I'd end up transcribing the entire book onto my blog. So my advice to you is:
BUY IT!!!!!!!
If you are already happy and blessed enough to have this book, then my advice to you is:
Whether you beg, borrow or steal it, you must read it (and then get IN SCOTLAND AGAIN). My copy of the latter is languishing in Utah. Hopefully it will make its way to NY in the not too distant future.
When I am able to control my Morton enthusiasm a little more, I will include some "snippets". Perhaps, in the cooking vein, I will include his entertaining recipe for Scotch Broth.
Till then, get reading!!!


  1. Oh, I do own this book, thanks very much to you! :-) I had started it, but got stuck on the queen's palace in Edinburgh. I will have to go back and start again because Morton's descriptions were so lovely; it was like being in Scotland again.
    By the way, I took your challenge and have written some Halloween haiku! You'll be getting one soon... :-)

  2. Oooh! Halloween haiku! What a fabulous idea! I can't wait to read it!
