Thursday, July 7, 2011

Back in Glasgow

It seemed like I had hardly spent any time in NY at all, but I was lucky to be there for a good three weeks. I wished that everyone could just come back with me! There were some advantages to coming back to Glasgow, though - cooler weather! Yay! My kind of summer, with temperatures in the 60's. Ah!
Foxgloves are blooming everywhere in Glasgow

This is a beautiful cat that I have seen several times and finally was able to photograph. I love how its coat matches the colour of the stones in the wall and the houses behind it.

My bedroom at 10:30 pm. See how light it is through the curtains still!

A cat at a second hand music store.


  1. That cat is beautiful!!! Those green eyes! The foxgloves are beautiful, too. I envy you your northern light!

  2. Going through Gypsy withdrawals already? I love those foxgloves. Definitely one of my favorite flowers!!!
