Friday, August 26, 2011

Sma' Shots Cottages, part one

I'm wondering now why I didn't ask anyone why these weavers cottages were called Sma' Shots. I'll have to figure that out. On the appropriately named Shuttle Street, there are a few cottages left from a whole complex or at least a whole row of weavers cottages. The first one dated from circa 1750, the second one which was behind the first, was later, from the 1800's.
A box bed! Sigh

Actually, two. Note the interesting lamp affair between the two.

Lovely old wooden and horn implements.

A close-up of the lamp.

Looms in the 1st Sma' Shots cottage.

The pedals were under the floor level. I was curious as to whether this was an original feature or modern one.

A photo of the cottages. Like in this picture, they would have been thatched. Today that's too expensive, so they have slate roofs.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely wonderful! I'm so jealous!! How did the cottages smell?
