Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tantallon Castle, North Berwick

I asked Katie to look around online for any castles or such near-ish Glasgow she wanted to visit. On the Historic Scotland website, she discovered Tantallon Castle. Much to my surprise, I had never heard of it before. Tantallon Castle is in North Berwick (which, by the way, is pronounced Berrick). It's right on the coast, east of Edinburgh. So, we arranged to go. There was a strike going on in Glasgow that day, so the subway was closed. We walked to the city centre (Rachel, Katie & I) and met up with James, Rachel's brother, to eat lunch at Subway (they have chicken tikka sandwiches). We then took the train, which was a very smooth, pleasant experience. 

In the train. I like the upholstery on the chairs - it reminds me of the Scottish flag.

On the way to North Berwick. Isn't it wonderful to think that there is a place in the world called Longniddry?!

Approaching North Berwick

Katie and I walked along the coast. We took a road that we thought would lead to the castle. We had to take a path up to another road, but we did enjoy the sea views along the way.

The right road this time! Walking to the castle. It was very windy.

A lovely wee poppy we spied on the side of the road.

Do I look tired & wind-blown? I was! I think it was about a 3-4 mile walk to the castle.


  1. You do look tired and windblown! But it looks like a very atmospheric place. Katie sure looks happy, too!

  2. That's such a pretty picture of Katie with that poppy. Almost like a glamour shot! :-) That looks like a lovely walk, however that is a very long walk!
