Monday, February 7, 2011

Great Western Road

I am very fond of Great Western Road, and often walk along it - most often to go to church, but also on my way into the city centre, and on my way home from choir practice (my preferred subway station is on Great Western Road). Some of the things I see on an almost daily basis are, I realised, quite interesting, so I took a few pics of them today.
I took this mostly for Morag, as she liked action movies with this actor. This is coming down Hillhead Street.
One of those old-fashioned notice boards.
Ooh! Jon Fratelli!!!
Police Boxes (others of which survive around the city):
Hopefully, if you click on this and it enlarges, you can read about this.


  1. Wow! I love this post! Very fascinating stuff about the police boxes! And Jon Fratelli, to boot! Thanks!! Lovely glimpse into the things of your everyday life!

  2. Who doesn't like Jason Statham? Those police boxes are great!
