Sunday, March 13, 2011

A fox in broad daylight!

When I got home from church this afternoon, Winnie and Jennifer (another Chinese member) were cooking in the kitchen. So I went in to say hello to them and meandered over to the window. Imagine my surprise when, in the yard opposite ours, I see a fox rummaging around! I very excitedly whipped out my camera, which was in my church bag, and took some pictures. Not satisfied with that, I ran downstairs to get some closer shots, and was able to, just as he was, er, trotting away! You will notice in the one that he turned and looked back at me. I'm not sure if this is the fox that mother and I saw. It is in the neighbourhood, so I think it must be.
the fox was munching on something down in the yard.
I don't know if it was a male fox or a vixen, but isn't it beautiful?


  1. This is overwhelmingly amazing!!! Lucky you! Beautiful fox!

  2. That is pretty sweet! But I say a Grackle today & that's WAY better.
