Friday, March 18, 2011

St Patrick's Day!

Sadly, the leprechauns passed by my flat this year - no mess in the room or in the kitchen. However, I did have a lovely evening! Rachel came over and we had snacks - including a Key lime pie (NOT Irish, but it was green-ish), Elderflower sparkling water (again, purchased for the lovely green bottle it came in) and a movie: Darby O' Gill and the Little People! This is a family tradition going back as far as I can remember, that we watch this film for St Patrick's Day. I wasn't about to stop now! Rachel had never seen it, so she really enjoyed it. Who can resist Sean Connery singing, and using a scythe at the same time?
The great St Patrick's Day cards I got: top- from Heath, Michael  & Katie, bottom - from mother

Yum! Key lime pie and delicious Elderflower water. 


  1. Maybe the leprechauns don't go to Scotland? Or maybe they just saved extra mischief (intended for you) for our house. They really went all out!

  2. Ah, they passed us by, too :(
    Glad you had a nice day!
