Monday, May 28, 2012

The Pirate in me turned a blind eye

This might sound ridiculous, but Rachel and I concocted a plan to play pirates for a day - to make a 'Treasure Map' and everything, and go about some places in the west end pretending that we were pirates searching for things. Luckily Julia joined in the spirit of this completely! We even went to a toyshop (the absolutely enchanting 'Sentry Box' just off Byres Road) and bought piratey things: eye-patches, temporary tattoos and the like. We all had a *very* jolly time!
I got all excited about making a treasure map and drew it. I had lots of help with the directions and the footprints from Rachel & Julia!


My Pirate 'tattoos'

Julia's duelling tattoos.

Rachel's tattoos.

Come friends who plough the sea...

Beside the Clyde

Our first destination. The instructions on our map read:
"40 paces, 3 strides and a breadth south. Pass through the haunted tunnel (to) Ye Talle Shippe"
(otherwise known as The Tall Ship)

Rachel pulling her weight.

Through a ship porthole...

Comfy sleeping arrangements!


I'm not sure what these baskets were for, but I was exceedingly fond of them!

Julia walking the plank!

We all gave it a try!

Rachel & I climbed into one of the baskets.

Rachel contemplating the high seas

Well, if Rachel can contemplate, I thought we should all give it a try.

Rachel using the old-fashioned rice lever (pulley?)

A view of Govan on the other side of the Clyde

I quite liked this room - especially the cat!

Ooh! Nautical instruments

We were quite convinced that here sat a real-life pirate!


  1. Fabulous!!! You all look so cute--love the tattoos!! Fun time had by all!! Awesome pirate map!

  2. Haha! How fun! I love the map. Very good drawing and I love the crumpled treatment!
