Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Crackers!

I always knew about Christmas crackers, and loved pulling them apart and wearing the little paper crowns, and reading the silly jokes. This year, I found that they were selling Halloween Crackers! What a thought. So I opened mine tonight. Mine contained some darling Halloween stickers, a silly joke, and yes, a paper crown!
(the joke: Why is Dracula so unpopular? . . . Because he's a pain in the neck.)


  1. Why are ghosts so bad at telling lies? Because you can see right through them!

  2. You are so adorable Mairi! I'm glad you had a fun Halloween!

  3. KNOCK KNOCK - who's there? - HORATIO - Horatio who? - HORATIO TO THE NEXT HOUSE (it was in a book of Tillie's & the only one I can remember right now).
